Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Making of Assignment 2

This assignment 2 is a dynamic motion based poster and i am using the illustration in 1st assignment as the main concept of this 2nd assignment. Duration of my assignment 2 is 25 second.The making of assignment 2 is shown below.

1st, i open my assignment 1 (psd file) with adobe flash without flatten all the layers.

after that, i arranged all the layers and rename it properly. I did created folder for certain layers too so that it would not confuse me. Then, inserted keyframe for all layers until around 310.
I changed the frame rate to 12.

After that, i started to do the motion for the typography.

I started with chinese traditional clothing. Dragged the keyframe to the frame that i wan
ted it to be. Then, create the motion tween for those layer.

Inserted the position or scale keyframe in those motion tween layer and transform those
subjects to the size and position that i wanted it to be.

I did the same thing for malay and indian traditional clothing layers and also the rest of the
-Dragged the 1st keyframe to a certain the frame
-Created motion tween
-inserted scale and position keyframe

Lastly, i created few layers and inserted the edited audio files to a suitable frame. [Import audio files to library > drag it to the stage]

Then finally done!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

[1st assignment]

This is my 1st assignment on '1 Malaysia' - clothing

[3rd sem]

This is the 3rd semester for my foundation year. Initially this blog is main for Computer Graphics 2 but I'll continue this personal blog with Computer Graphics 3 assignment.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

[Flatten file]

Here to inform that I've flatten my wallpaper psd file due to the upload problem. I was failed to upload my original(not flatten) file to mmls. Then, I get know its need to flatten the file if we couldn't upload our file from the discussion board on mmls.

Way to flatten my file : select all the layers by holding 'ctrl' or 'shift' and click on those layers, then press 'ctrl' + 'E' .

Btw, I've copied a not flatten psd file in the submission cd.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

progress of my E-WALLPAPER !!

Finally I've done my assignment 1 and can update my blog already! As reminder, the theme for my e-wallpaper is CHRISTMAS DAY. I've used many different tools and technique in photoshop to do my assignment and I'll post up my 'in progress work' in this blog also.

In progress work :

First of all,create a new file and set the setting as below.
A4 size, 72 resolution and RGB color.

Place the image that I wanted to use as the background.

This is the image.

Then, I open the other image for copy the other object that I want.

This is the one.

Select the quick selection tool to select the object.

Selecting the object that I want.

Copy the selected object. (Edit > Copy)

Create new layer!)

Then, paste on the background.

Change the blend mode from normal to multiply.

Double click on the layer to change the layer style. Then changed the setting as above and below. (outer glow and inner glow)

Re-fill the object, 90%

This is the current result.

Select the background layer to retouch the image using patch tool.

Select the unwanted subject in the image.

Drag to the other empty side.

(Create new layer!)

After that,select the ellipse tool.

Draw a round shape like above.

Then, change the layer style of the layer as shown at above and below.
(outer glow and inner glow)

Current result.

( Create new layer!)

Ellipse tool again to draw another circle.

Draw another small circle at the right bottom.

Then, set the setting in the layer style as the 3 'prnt scrn' below :

1. bleeding option custom
2. inner glow
3. pattern overlay.
[selected the image of christmas present, I've define the pattern at first (open the image and then 'Edit > Define pattern') ]

(Create new layer!)

Ellipse tool again.

Draw a circle at left bottom as shown.

3 Layer styles :

1. bleeding option custom
2. inner glow
3. pattern overlay
(define pattern at first)

Current result

(Create new layer!)

Brush tool is selected.

Then, 'Window > Brush' to choose the type of brush. I'm using 133px sparkling brush that I downloaded before.

Click on the top of the small circle and it is like above.

Layer style > color overlay (#f2e78a)

Change the bleed mode from normal to overlay ; opacity = 80% ; fill remain constant.

It then look like this ^

(Create new layer!)

It's Brush tool again.

Window > Brush to select the type of brushes.
(large sparkling 506px was chosen)

Then click between the two bells.

Layer style :

1. bleeding option custom
2. color overlay (#f8c93b)

Current result.

(Create new layer!)

Window > Brush (196px)

Click at the middle of the previous large sparkling.

(Create new layer!)

Window > Brush (star sparkling 343px)

Click at the place that I've marked.

(Create new layer!)

Window > Brush
(different types and sizes)

Click at the place marked.

Set the layer style. (color overlay)

Current result.

(Create new layer!)

Horizontal Type Tool to type in some words.
( Merry Christmas)

Change the Layer style of the word.
Drop shadow ^

Outer Glow ^

Color overlay ^

Current result.

After that,I've duplicated this layer for 2 times.
Horizontal type tool written :
- &
- Happy New Year
(with same layer style with the previous one)

Current result.

File > Open to copy another image that i wanted.


Quick selection tool then select on the object.

Edit > Copy

back to my working file
(Create new layer!)

File > Paste

Ctrl + T to resize the object. Place at the place that I want.

Layer style > outer glow

Fill = 81%

Current result.

(Create new layer!)

Brush tool

Select a medium size sparkling brush. (178px)

Click on the place marked.

Bleed mode = Overlay


D O N E ! ! !